Saturday, September 22, 2007

Fay Weldon

Anna Metcalfe interviewed Fay Weldon for the Financial Times.

Weldon has produced 27 novels as well as short stories, plays and essays. She has written frequently for radio and television, including the Bafta award-winning television series Upstairs, Downstairs (1971). Weldon currently teaches at Brunel University and lives in Dorset with her husband, the poet Nick Fox. Her latest novel, The Spa, is due out in the U.S. in early 2008.

A couple of the questions and answers:
What is the last thing you read that made you laugh out loud?

Julian Fellowes’ Snobs.

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What books are currently on your bedside table?

Frederick Forsyth’s The Afghan; Herman Melville’s White-Jacket; J.S. Mill’s The Subjection of Women.

Read the entire Q & A.

--Marshal Zeringue