Monday, November 3, 2008

Robert Greer

At Crime Always Pays, Declan Burke interrogated Robert Greer, author of the recently released Blackbird, Farewell. Part of the Q & A:
What crime novel would you most like to have written?

THE MALTESE FALCON. Its multi-layered entanglements, its expressed unseediness, its use of the classic femme fatale and Dashiell Hammett’s use of minor characters in ensemble form to produce effective darkness and greed which make this the very best of noir fiction in my judgment.

What fictional character would you most like to have been?

Since I am a westerner and own a working cattle ranch, I suspect that the character I most would have wanted to be would have been Shane, the ultimate dark cowboy hero.
Read the complete interview.

Visit Robert Greer's website.

--Marshal Zeringue