Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Henning Mankell

Henning Mankell is a Swedish author who gained bestseller stardom with his series of crime novels featuring inspector Kurt Wallander. The books have been published in 33 countries and consistently top the bestseller lists in Europe, receiving major literary prizes and generating numerous international film and television adaptations.

From his Q & A with Anna Metcalfe at the Financial Times:
Who is your perfect reader?

Probably myself. I only write books I’d like to read myself, so when I’m writing I’m also reading.

What book changed your life?

Robinson Crusoe, the first book I read. My grandmother taught me to read when I was six. It’s a miracle when the letters stop jumping around and you can read sentences.

Where do you write best?

I’ve never had the privilege of having “that table” so I’ve forced myself to write anywhere, in any circumstance. In Africa I sometimes write outside if it’s hot.
Read the complete Q & A.

--Marshal Zeringue