Saturday, October 24, 2009

Kate Mosse

Kate Mosse’s first novel, Eskimo Kissing, was published to great acclaim in 1996, followed in 1998 by the bio-tech time-travel thriller, Crucifix Lane. Her short stories and articles have appeared in a range of print media including France magazine. Her Labyrinth was a New York Times bestselling novel and a popular and critical success on an international scale. It won the Best Read category at the British Book Awards 2006, was #1 in UK paperback for six months — selling nearly two million copies — and was the biggest selling title of 2006. Sepulchre, the second in Mosse's Languedoc Trilogy, followed in Labyrinth’s footsteps and was an international bestseller, hitting the #1 spot in the UK and bestseller charts in several countries.

From "One Minute With: Kate Mosse" in the Independent:
Choose a favourite author, and say why you like her/him
Agatha Christie for stamina, professionalism, puzzles, characterisation and sense of place. T S Eliot for his lyricism, his mysticism, the beauty of his language and his enduring ability to capture a moment with the bare minimum of literary fuss.

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Which fictional character most resembles you?

I'd like to say Nancy Drew for her energy or Edith Wharton's Antonia for her courage and steadfast nature or Sarah Waters' Sue Trinder or Scherazade. But in truth, I'm more the bookish librarian or quiet Mum rather than a leading literary lady.
Read the complete Q & A.

The Page 69 Test: Sepulchre.

--Marshal Zeringue