Sunday, December 5, 2010

Armistead Maupin

Armistead Maupin's latest novel is Mary Ann in Autumn.

From his Q & A with Arifa Akbar in the Independent:
Choose a favourite author and say why you like her/him

I would say Christopher Isherwood again because of the clarity of his voice and ever present wit. I have re-read 'A Single Man' many times, just to remind myself what beautiful writing looks like.

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Which fictional character most resembles you?

I don't identify with fictional characters. I've been trying most of my life to identify with myself!

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Who is your hero/heroine from outside literature?

Ian McKellen because of his generosity, and his complete willingness to sacrifice his time to the causes of gay rights, which is utterly inspirational. At the moment he is travelling around the schools of Britain telling kids they can live their lives honestly and openly.
Read the complete Q & A.

Learn about Armistead Maupin's favorite poem.

--Marshal Zeringue