Saturday, December 18, 2010

Joanna Trollope

Joanna Trollope's books include Other People's Children, Marrying the Mistress, Girl from the South, Brother & Sister, Second Honeymoon, Friday Night and The Other Family.

From her interview by Boyd Tonkin at the Independent:
Choose a favourite author and say why you like her/him

Rose Macaulay, and especially her last novel, 'The Towers of Trebizond'. She was a Christian convert who had this great yearning for liberty.

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Which fictional character most resembles you?

[In my books], There's a teaspoonful of me in a great many of them...You can't help parts of yourself leaking into other characters.

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Who is your hero/heroine from outside literature?

I'm an enormous fan of people who have had a lot of faith in themselves, and been on a tremendous journey. Beethoven would be one, who knew that he was going deaf at 25. Or Didier Drogba, born in a village in Ivory Coast.
Read the complete Q & A.

--Marshal Zeringue