Sunday, December 18, 2011

Frank Cottrell Boyce

Frank Cottrell Boyce's books include Cosmic, Millions, and The Unforgotten Coat, which is shortlisted for the 2011 Costa Children's Book Award.

From his Q & A with Arifa Akbar at the Independent:
Choose a favourite author, and say why you admire her/him

Chekhov because he kept getting better. He noticed the tiny little things in life in his stories, and he didn't cut himself off or take himself off somewhere [to write] in the middle of his life. He was very involved with his family, where he lived, and humanitarian projects.
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Which fictional character most resembles you?

I always wanted to be [the anti-authority character] Snufkins from the Moomin books [by Tove Jansson] but I think somehow I turned into Moominpappa.
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Who is your hero/heroine from outside literature?

I know a priest called Father Peter Morgan who works with refugees and he is always smiling, joking, and laughing in spite of the massive set of problems on his hands.
Read the complete Q & A.

--Marshal Zeringue