Saturday, February 18, 2012

Sarah Webb

Sarah Webb has written ten bestselling novels including Always the Bridesmaid, Anything for Love, The Loving Kind, and The Shoestring Club (UK, Sept 2012).

From her Q & A at Declan Burke's blog, Crime Always Pays:
What crime novel would you most like to have written?

HARRIET THE SPY by Louise Fitzhugh. OK, it’s not your average crime novel, the spy is an eleven-year-old girl who lives in New York and spies on her neighbours, but it’s one of my favourite books of all time. There’s revenge, punishment, heartbreak and retribution. I’d highly recommend it to any reader, young or not so young.
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What fictional character would you most like to have been?

That’s a great question, Declan. In a lot of the books I adore, terrible things happen to the heroine - Alice, Rachel (in RACHEL’S HOLIDAY by Marian Keyes), Benny (CIRCLE OF FRIENDS by Maeve Binchy), Katniss (HUNGER GAMES), so I’ll say Posy in BALLET SHOES as I wanted to be a ballerina as a child. (Sorry, not very crime-y or kickass I know!)
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The best Irish crime novel is …?

SKULDUGGERY PLEASANT by Derek Landy. Yes, it’s fantasy-thriller-crime, yes, it has a skeleton detective, but it’s hilarious, clever and very entertaining. (If I had to pick a book for adults, it would be...[read on]
--Marshal Zeringue