Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Margaret Atwood

Margaret Atwood's latest novel is MaddAddam.

From her Q & A with Noah Charney for The Daily Beast:
If a reader would like to read one of your books, but is unfamiliar with your oeuvre, which of your 50+ books would you recommend they begin with, and why?

Let us ask what kind of a reader we are talking about. If it is a young man, they should start with Oryx and Crake. A young woman? The Handmaid’s Tale. An older person interested in history, I would suggest Alias Grace or The Blind Assassin. If it is a person interested in reading very, very short things, I’d suggest any of the short story books. Or even shorter, they could buy something like "Good Bones," Murder in the Dark, one of those collections of very short pieces of writing. If they are interested in poems, then the Selected Poems or Morning in the Burned House, or The Door.

Among all of them do you have a personal favorite?

I would...[read on]
--Marshal Zeringue