Friday, February 27, 2015

Elana K. Arnold

Elana K. Arnold's new book is The Question of Miracles.

From her Q & A at Sharpread:
Can you tell us a little bit about The Question of Miracles?

Iris Abernathy, the main character in THE QUESTION OF MIRACLES, has a lot to be unhappy about: her best friend has died, her family has moved her from sunny California to rainy Oregon, and she’s both lonely and unwilling to connect with other people. On top of all that, even her hairless cat Charles is miserable. When Iris meets Boris, a kid at her new school, she figures he’s barely better than no friend at all. But when she learns he’s considered by some to be a LITERAL MIRACLE, she starts to wonder… why do some people get miracles, but not others? Can she get a miracle, too?

What is your favorite thing about being an author?

My favorite thing about being an author is...[read on]
Learn more about the book and author at Elana K. Arnold's website and blog.

Writers Read: Elana K. Arnold (November 2012).

Writers Read: Elana K. Arnold (June 2013).

The Page 69 Test: Burning.

--Marshal Zeringue