Saturday, August 6, 2016

Teresa Toten

Teresa Toten is the author of the acclaimed Blondes series, as well as The Game, The Onlyhouse, among other books. Toten has twice been shortlisted for the Governor General’s Literary Award. Born in Zagreb, Croatia, she arrived in Canada 13 days later, and now lives in Toronto.

Toten's new novel is Beware That Girl.

From her Q&A with Deborah Kalb:
Q: How did you come up with the idea for Beware That Girl, and did you plot out the whole story before starting to write it?

A: I never plot or outline any of my novels! Every page, scene and chapter is propelled by what went on before and where the characters think they are heading. It’s a nerve-wracking way to write but it’s the only way I know how!

For Beware That Girl, I had that opening scene of the two blonde girls in the ICU, one in the bed comatose and the other in the chair covered in mud and blood for a long time. Page by page I discovered which girl was in which position and why as I wrote the book. I had...[read on]
Visit Teresa Toten's website.

The Page 69 Test: Beware That Girl.

Writers Read: Teresa Toten.

My Book, The Movie: Beware That Girl.

--Marshal Zeringue