Monday, August 12, 2019

Reese Hogan

Reese Hogan's new novel is Shrouded Loyalties.

From her Q&A with Randee Green:
Question - Please describe what the book is about.

Reese Hogan - Naval officer Mila Blackwood receives dangerous powers when her submarine travels through an alternate realm of existence and is attacked by a monster. She must figure out how to use these powers to save her country from invasion, all the while unaware that her partner is a spy and her brother is an enemy collaborator.

Q - Where did you get the idea?

RH - I always have to have three ideas come together to really take off. This one’s root ideas were a fantasy with a WW2 feel, a soldier who returns home to find out her brother is an enemy collaborator, and people with magic tattoos who are being hunted by an occupying force (which became the marks with powers they receive in the second chapter). Everything else...[read on]
Visit Reese Hogan's website.

--Marshal Zeringue