Elmore Leonard
Elmore Leonard's new novel is Road Dogs.
From a Q & A with the author about the book, at Amazon.com:
Q: Where did the inspiration for the title Road Dogs come from?Visit Elmore Leonard's website.A: Road Dogs was on a list of prison expressions my researcher Gregg Sutter got for me: inmates who watch each other’s back. I liked the sound of the words together.
Q: What made you decide to bring back Jack Foley, Cundo Rey, and Dawn Navarro now? What is it about these three characters that stuck with you through the years?
A: Foley was played by George Clooney in Out of Sight. I imagined George in the scenes I wrote and it worked. Dawn Navarro was the psychic in Riding the Rap, a supporting character ready for a leading role. Cundo Rey from LaBrava, another favorite of mine, also deserved a bigger role, so I brought him back..
Q: Any chance Foley and the woman he loves, Federal Marshal Karen Sisco, will be back in the near future?[read on]
--Marshal Zeringue