Neil Cross
Neil Cross' latest novel in the UK is Captured. A previous novel, Burial, releases in the US in March.
From his Q & A with Ali Karim at The Rap Sheet:
AK: ...After several non-genre novels you penned Burial, which knocked my socks off. The book carried the same themes of morality and trust that, incidentally, are also themes you mine in the BBC-TVThe Independent asked Cross: Which fictional character most resembles you? Read his answer.espionage series, Spooks. Would you agree that morality and trust are themes of special interest to you?
NC: Absolutely. One thing that interests me about American crime fiction, particularly, is it has a unifying theme--it is “free will exercised as sin.” This is opposed to much British crime fiction, especially during the Golden Age, which is about the restoration of order; someone’s been killed, things are out of whack, for Christ’s sake let’s get things back to normal, so things can run smoothly. I’m more interested in “free will exercised as sin,” as opposed to the “restoration of order.”
AK: I’m guessing you must have read Patricia Highsmith, then.
NC: I’m obsessed by Patricia Highsmith.
AK: [Laughing] So am I. I am totally obsessed with her Tom Ripley books. In fact, I have...[read on]
--Marshal Zeringue