Margaret Atwood
A few questions Margaret Atwood asked herself because literary journalists don't:
Why are you such a pushover for everyone who wants you to do stuff for them?--Marshal ZeringueI was the child who refused to eat her Easter rabbit-shaped cookie because I wanted to talk to it. I should just have learned early to bite the heads off quick. Otherwise the rabbits start telling you their tales, and then it's game over.
Will you never learn?
Apparently not. I still seem to get into the merde, as a result of being too naïve. I think novelists are the people who don't really know what people are talking about much of the time. That's why they write novels – to try to find out.
Do you really go around in a corset, high heels, and a whip, subjugating men, as a 1989 cartoon depicted you?...[read on]