Kim Boykin
Kim Boykin's new, debut novel is The Wisdom of Hair.
From her Q & A with Sarah at Smart Bitches Trashy Books:
So your inspiration of sorts was seeing customers in your mom's beauty salon? That's very cool. What did you learn about changing hair to change lives? I agree that when you feel like you look your best, you are more confident, and a lot of that is tied up (heh) with hair.Learn more about the book and author at Kim Boykin's website.
Kim: Last summer I went to a conference in NY last year and pitched the book to a bunch of editors. I was in a room with 19 women's fiction writers; six of them had made a major change in their hair before they came to the conference. Throughout the years rejection whileI was trying to sell the novel, I kept my hair short but had let it grow out a little before the conference. I haven't cut my hair since. So if the book flops, I guess I'll shave my head and start over.
Growing up, I remember seeing women come in, dog tired, some just happy to be there, some with all kinds of problems. My mom listened to them and made them beautiful. There were a lot of elderly women who didn't drive in our town and she'd lock up the shop and go pick them up so they could have their hair done. Most of those home bound women were so lonely. They were so grateful to get out of the house, to be around a bunch of women to talk, gossip, a little, laugh a lot. I don't care what anybody says about the outside of a woman not making a difference, I saw it growing up and I see it in today in my friends and myself.
Do you have stories about some of the women you saw growing up? What first inspired you to write a novel about hair stylists? A specific story or event?
What sticks out most in my mind was the transformations. They say you can't make someone happy, but my mom did. She made each woman who sat in her chair feel special and beautiful, and that went a long way toward making them happy. God, I sound sappy, but all of this is true.
I never really set out to write a book about hairstylists. I started writing a book about a mountain girl who wanted out of a bad situation. She was smart enough to...[read on]
The Page 69 Test: The Wisdom of Hair.
My Book, The Movie: The Wisdom of Hair.
Writers Read: Kim Boykin.
Read--Coffee with a Canine: Kim Boykin & Wylie, Molly and Toby.
--Marshal Zeringue