Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Greg Kishbaugh

A Ray Bradbury Fiction Writing Award winner with work appearing in a number of publications including the renowned Cemetery Dance magazine, Greg Kishbaugh is the Associate Editor of Evileye Books and the editor of the Burning Maiden anthology series. He is the co-founder of Kaleidoscope Entertainment, a company specializing in high-end comics and graphic novels.

Kishbaugh's new novel is Bone Welder.

A brief Q & A with the author:

How would you complete this line: "You might well enjoy my book if you like..."?

You might well enjoy my book if you like ... the lyricism of Ray Bradbury, the white-knuckle horror of the Walking Dead, the modern day supernatural mythos of the X-Files and Grimm, and the old-school gothic thrills of the Universal Monster Movies and the Twilight Zone.

If they make your book into a movie, who should direct it?

Because of Bone Welder's Gothic tone, Guillermo del Toro and Alfonso Cuarón would be a perfect visual fit; and they both have a clear love (and understanding) of monsters.

What is your second favorite art form?

My second art form is a tough choice indeed. I am heavily influenced by artwork of all kinds, but the works of Frank Frazetta can certainly be found in the dark atmospherics of Bone Welder. So, too, the mist-infused black and white artwork of Creepy and Eerie magazines, and the spectacular four-color mayhem of the EC comics such as Tales From The Crypt and the energetic, muscular art of the great comic artists like Jack Kirby, John Romita and Gene Colan.

Music has also always been an enormous influence. As someone who came of age in the punk area of music, I am heavily influenced by punk's primary ethos that the most important thing you can bring to any creative pursuit is passion.
Visit Greg Kishbaugh's website and follow him on Twitter.

--Marshal Zeringue