Roger (“R.N.”) Morris
Roger (or “R.N.”) Morris recently visited the Umbria region of central Italy. Michael Gregorio (the pen name of Michael G. Jacob and Daniela De Gregorio), who live in Spoleto, Italy, put some questions to him.
From the Q & A, published in The Rap Sheet:
M--Marshal Zeringueichael Gregorio: Tell us about the curious dedication which introduces A Gentle Axe: “For my mother, Norma, who likes a good murder.” Surely there’s a story there.
R.N. Morris: My mother was a keen reader of what we would probably call “pulp.” She liked nothing better than a good thriller. A good murder, too. I suppose that’s where my own interest in the genre springs from. There were always crime books scattered round the house, and it was inevitable that I would start to read them
sooner or later.
MG: What kind of thing were you first drawn to?
RNM: Well, initially, I suppose, Agatha Christie and the Sherlock Holmes mysteries, but even before that I had got a taste for suspense by...[read on]