Anne Fine
Anne Fine has written more than fifty books for young children, teenagers and adults.
Her latest novel is Our Precious Lulu.
From Fine's Q & A with Anna Metcalfe at the Financial Times:
What book changed your life?Read the complete Q & A.Christina Stead’s The Man Who Loved Children. I read it in my early 20s, when I’d just got married. There’s a fierce honesty to the emotions in it. It opened my eyes to how much an author can do, especially about what goes on in families.
What is your daily writing routine?
I make tea in the early morning, then sit in bed and write for a couple of hours with a pencil, a rubber and a pad. Then I walk the dog and move to my computer.
Who are your literary influences?
Antonia White, Rebecca West, Sue Miller. And I have a passion for Angus Wilson. It’s generally people who deal in great depth with the refractions of emotions within families.
--Marshal Zeringue