Gregg Hurwitz
Keith Raffel asked some questions of Gregg Hurwitz about his new book, Trust No One. A sample:
The Sunday Telegraph says, "The breathtaking pace of this thriller is set from the opening scene." How do you keep it going?This is far and away my fastest paced book. So the challenge was to keep that momentum hurtling forward while not sacrificing character or plausibility. It was something of a balancing act, and I hope readers find that I pulled it off.
Are you writing what Graham Greene called an "entertainment?" Or are you shooting for more?
I always put it all out there on the page. I never feel like I'm done with a book until it has - after draft upon draft - thoroughly exhausted me. But at the same time, I'm wary of drawing my own conclusions about my work. I am all about story. At the end of the day, I want to write the best goddamn tale I can and if readers find something more there, then I'm quite pleased.[read on]

Learn more about the book and author at Gregg Hurwitz's website and blog.
Gregg Hurwitz is the author of several critically acclaimed thrillers, most recently The Crime Writer which was a finalist for the CWA Ian Fleming Steel Dagger and the ITW Best Novel of the Year award.
My Book, The Movie: The Crime Writer.
The Page 69 Test: Trust No One.
--Marshal Zeringue